Lewiston Class Picture - Do you know anyone in this picture??
Click Lewiston Class 1937-38 to view the picture. If you know someone in this picture, please e-mail donpense1930@yahoo.com. Don Pense would appreciate any help he could get. Thanks!

Power School Data Breach Information
Information on the Power School Data Breach Data Breach Information Flyer Power School Informational Link

Veteran's Day Assembly 2023
The Lewiston 2023 Veteran's Day Assembly Photos and Student 'Thank you' Video

Lewiston School Coronavirus Information
L etter to Parents concerning Coronavirus\ March 9, 2020 Dear Parents, 306 Tiger Avenue Lewiston, NE 68380 402-865-4675 Fax: 402-865-4875 There has been much talk about the coronavirus virus the past few . . .
Provide programs and courses that inspire and prepare Lewiston students for success in learning, work, and life. Establish high expectations for all students and provide support and resources to create positive, safe, and . . .
Empowering students to become confident and creative builders of their future.